In Parma for the eighth edition of the Cetilar Run


The Cetilar Run is back in great shape: an evening’s racing for Parma runners and walkers, where once again supporting the University Sports Centre was PharmaNutra with its brand Cetilar®.

With the patronage of the Municipality and the University of Parma, now in its eighth edition, the Cetilar Run will be held on Friday 12 May in a special location. The event will be set in the city’s splendid green park, Parco Ducale, with a route running through the heart of Parma, following the stages of the previous editions: Via Farini, Piazza Duomo and beneath the porticoes of the Pilotta.

The initiative was presented this morning by Michele Ventura, head of CUS Parma, and Carlo Volpi, Managing Director of PharmaNutra Spa and honorary member of the CUS.

“Today the Cetilar Run is a complete sporting event, much more than a running race, involving many local associations and rich in opportunities for socialisation. In this regard, over the years we have done a great job with CUS Parma, and we’re really proud of the results,” Carlo Volpi declared. “On 8 May in Parma, we celebrate sport, its values and its ability for aggregation: we hope it can be a day of celebration, in a unique context like the Parco Ducale.”

Part of the regional FIDAL calendar, the Cetilar Run is a splendid evening run through the city’s attractions, covering a distance of 8 kilometres, starting (and arriving) at 19.45 from the Parco Ducale (the runners’ meeting is from 16.30, to collect the race pack and the characteristic neon orange Erreà t-shirt). An event, also including the non-competitive Cetilar Run Special (again covering 8 kilometres), which as always is a huge success among jogging enthusiasts, with its unmatched route (and the scenery along the way) and excellent organisation overseen by CUS Parma.

For the Cetilar Run in Parma, PharmaNutra SPA will set up an area in the Parco Ducale, called the Cetilar Run village, with its classic blue and white Cetilar® pagoda with massage areas; here, health specialists will be offering many surprises, starting with the presence of the new Cetilar® Nutrition products, a line of supplements designed to support sporting performance and ensure the intake of essential nutrients, offering athletes a reliable source of energy during physical activity.

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