The 151 Miglia Cetilar Trophy 2023 presented in Genoa

The first details of the 14th edition of the 151 Miglia Cetilar Trophy, the offshore sailing regatta organised by Yacht Club Repubblica Marinara di Pisa, Yacht Club Punta Ala and Yacht Club Livorno,with the usual support of the sponsor Cetilar®, the brand of the pharmaceutical company PharmaNutra, presented last Sunday at the Eberhard Theatre, during the International Boat Show in Genoa.
“The place to be”,is the claim for this new, long-awaited edition of the 151 Miglia, an event which in just a few years has become a great classic of Mediterranean offshore regattas, thanks to a perfect combination of technique – a magnificent route through the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago, starting from Livorno on Thursday 1 June 2023 and ending in Punta Ala after passing through Marina di Pisa, Giraglia and Formiche di Grossetoo – a carefully planned organisation and a rich programme of collateral events.
“We chose the phrase “the place to be” as it best represents that very strong bond uniting the 151 Miglia with the many sailors who enthusiastically and passionately take part in the regatta,” explains Roberto Lacorte, Chairman of YC Repubblica Marinara di Pisa and the creator of the regatta. “For many people, the 151 Miglia has become the appointment not to be missed for any reason in the world, and this goes not only for professional sailors as well as amateurs, sailors who perhaps take part in only one regatta a year and who have made the 151 their ideal event. That’s where they want to be, every year in early June: they have become a real community, and their strength is what pushes us to always try to improve the event that was set up with a view to making people feel good.”
Along with Lacorte, on the stage at the Eberhard Theatre were Gian Luca Conti, Chairman of YC Livorno, Filippo Calandriello, Sports Director of YC Punta Ala, Andrea Aielli, Sports Director of YC Livorno, and Giampiero Intrieri, Sports Director of YC Repubblica Marinara di Pisa. Speeches were also made by Francesca Farina, Managing Director of Forniture Nautiche Italiane, representing in the partner Plastimo, and Maurizio Ramacciotti, founder of CrewPro, a new technical partner who will produce the official clothing for the 151 Miglia.
After a video welcome from the Chairman of the Italian Sailing Federation, Francesco Ettorre, absent due to prior engagements, Lacorte and the guests illustrated the new features of the 151 Miglia 2023, starting from the warm up race 15.1, the coastal regatta to be held during the weekend before the 151 Miglia, at the same time as the 15.1 Run, a running race.
“This is a real warm up, ahead of the 151 Miglia,” Lacorte concluded. “But it’s not the only new thing: in the coming months, we will be publishing the programme and the list of activities for the next edition, and I’m sure they will meet with the approval of the 151 Miglia community”.
The appointment is for 1 June 2023, for the 14th 151 Miglia Cetilar Trophy.