The perfect pre-workout: The best foods to consume before training


A sporting diet and physical well-being are an essential combination for an athlete’s well-being. Otherwise, there is a risk of tiredness, fatigue, low performance as well as a higher risk of injury. For this reason, a correct sporting diet must not underestimate the importance of what to eat in the pre-workout phase.

What to eat before a workout: some recommendations

Rule #1: no fasting. Of course, don’t overdo it, but a light, balanced meal at least two hours before training is indispensable for providing the energy we need during physical activity. Otherwise, not only does the body not have the right nutrients to cope with the training, but we may also be starving by our next meal, with the risk of overeating which would compromise the results of the physical activity. Furthermore, without a suitable pre-workout meal the body cannot maintain its performance for the whole training session, and will have more difficulty during post-training recovery.

Another rule: no alcohol. This puts the body at risk of dehydration, which not only worsens performance but can also be dangerous. And then, when we consume alcoholic drinks, our body accumulates triglycerides, which means that we don’t burn fats during physical activity. So: water only, in abundance, before, during and after training, as the amount of liquids lost during physical activity must not be ignored, indeed quite the opposite: the right level of hydration for the body must always be guaranteed during training.

What to eat before a workout: some examples

Before physical activity it is recommended to eat a balanced, highly digestible meal with high energy intensity, containing proteins, carbohydrates and some good fats. But not just any old carbohydrate: carbohydrates with a low glycaemic index, such as oats, spelt, potatoes, cereals, whole wheat bread or rice. For the proteins, choose white meat, low-fat cheeses or eggs. Here are a few examples: an avocado toast, with whole wheat bread and eggs or tofu, cherry tomatoes and croutons, or whole wheat toast with chick pea hummus and grilled vegetables. If on the other hand we have breakfast before physical activity, some options include whole wheat bread and sugar-free jam or a banana and berry smoothie.

An hour before training have a high-energy snack rather than a heavy meal. Nuts, almonds, grapes, protein smoothies are all ideal. Or a protein-energy bar. Proteinenergy bars must not replace a main meal, but make an excellent pre-workout snack, avoiding low sugar levels, especially before high-intensity training, as they provide the body with energy to consume during the training session.

Cetilar Nutrition protein-energy bars for a pre-workout snack

We have developed tasty, balanced protein-energy bars for every palate: bars from the classic chocolate, to peanut and redcurrant and on to tasty cheese and pear. Our protein-energy bars are also designed for pre-workout needs, and are also suitable for vegetarian diets.

In just 60 grams, they contain two minerals in Sucrosomial® form, iron and magnesium, which help to reduce tiredness and stimulate the normal energy-yielding metabolism. They also have a high protein content and a formulation (40-30-30) developed to balance all the macro-nutrients needed to improve performance during physical activity.

Cetilar Nutrition food supplements with caffeine

It has been scientifically proven that caffeine is also a precious molecule for improving performance during physical activity. This is because caffeine – especially that found in food supplements – stimulates the production of adrenalin, improving concentration and ensuring a performance-enhancing effect that improves resistance. This is why it is also suited to endurance sports that demand moderate yet prolonged effort.

For these reasons, Cetilar® Nutrition has developed Race Gel Caf, Race Carb Caf and Endurance Carb. Three food supplements, the first in gel and the other two in powder form, with 150 mg of caffeine. These food supplements not only help tackle physical activity better with the absorption of carbohydrates, but they also reduce the feeling of fatigue, increasing attention and concentration.

NOTE: The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your physician or healthcare professional. The information is intended for healthy individuals, and any dietary regimen or physical activity should be supervised by a competent professional according to Italian law. PharmaNutra SpA assumes no responsibility, as the information is for informational purposes, and anyone interested in undertaking any dietary or physical activity program should consult their specialist.
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