Andrea Lacorte’s Vitamina Cetilar in the Lake Garda regatta

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Back to the regatta at last. After some great training on Lake Garda in the second half of June, Andrea Lacorte’s Vitamina Sailing team is ready to get back in the water, in Benaco, for the first competition of the season. The King of the Garda Lake Cup, held in Malcesine, is the regatta reserved for the Melges 32 class, representing a kind of warm up for the World League, officially kicking off in Villasimius, Sardinia, on 22 August.

Captain and owner Andrea Lacorte’s crew, racing on the Melges 32 Vitamina Cetilar (Yacht Club Repubblica Marinara di Pisa), includes Lorenzo Bressani (tactician), Leonardo Chiarugi, Diego Battisti, Jacopo Ciampalini, Giovanni Bucarelli, Francesco Coari and Team Manager Matteo De Luca.

Training is planned for today and tomorrow, and from Thursday three days of regattas (maximum of three races a day, for a total of eight), followed by the prize giving ceremony held on Saturday afternoon at Fraglia Vela Malcesine. After a long wait, everyone is looking forward to getting back to racing round the buoys, in this first post-lockdown regatta and following the revised competition schedules due to the Covid-19 pandemic. And of course, after years of successes in the competition sailing “that counts”, Andrea Lacorte’s crew just had to be there

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