Vitamina Cetilar terzo alla Copa del Rey nella classe Club Swan 50


First race with the new boat and first podium: a really positive debut for the Vitamina Sailing in the Club Swan 50, a modern one design racer built by the famous shipyard Nautor’s Swan.

Headed by entrepreneur Andrea Lacorte, founder with his brother Roberto and President of the Tuscan pharmaceutical company PharmaNutra SpA, Vitamina Sailing crew concluded today in Palma de Mallorca the Copa del Rey Mapfre regattas with an excellent third place in its class, after a total of ten races held over 6 days by 132 offshore boats – representing 26 countries – divided into eleven categories.

Specifically, fourteen Club Swan 50 battled off the Balearic Islands and the final victory did not escape to Cuordileone owned by Leonardo Ferragamo, second place for Earlybird owned by the German Hendrik Brandis and third place for Vitamina Cetilar, second in today’s race, helmed by Lacorte himself flanked by tactician Gabriele Benussi from Trieste, winner of the last three editions of the Barcolana.

Vitamina Cetilar won three races at its first regatta in the Club Swan 50 class, the crew showed that he immediately found the pace of the best teams and demonstrated a remarkable regularity in the rankings (never beyond ninth place). A true masterpiece by the racing team representing the Yacht Club Repubblica Marinara di Pisa (and based at the Port of Pisa) which can also count on the experience of Team manager Matteo De Luca and Friulian Stefano Rizzi, considering that the first tests onboard the new boat was just a little over a month ago and considering that the very high level of the class – which has two royal VIP among the owners: the King of Spain Philip VI and the King of Norway Harald V.

The ending of the Copa del Rey Mapfre means a lot of satisfaction, the Swan 50 Vitamina Cetilar Club will be back in the water in early October, from 6 to 12, for the second event of the season, the Nations Trophy, also scheduled in Palma de Mallorca and also valid for the award of the World Class title.

In the meantime, Andrea Lacorte’s team will be busy at the end of September in Barcelona for the fourth and last ACT of the Melges 32 World League, the circuit of the Melges one design, it will be the third seasonal commitment in competitive sailing for Vitamina Sailing.

NOTE: The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your physician or healthcare professional. The information is intended for healthy individuals, and any dietary regimen or physical activity should be supervised by a competent professional according to Italian law. PharmaNutra SpA assumes no responsibility, as the information is for informational purposes, and anyone interested in undertaking any dietary or physical activity program should consult their specialist.
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